....welcoming some schools to the island, we have 3 in the last week.
....enjoying the snail formations on the walls and posts. Last nights rain sent then off and about in a frenzy of feeding.
...taking in the beauiful light, especially in some of the evenings.
...admiring the sea campion that is flowering everywhere after being burnt off by the big storms.
...incredibly frustrated when a visitor stepped on a terns nest breaking the eggs despite us having piut a ring of boulders round it and a large marker post. These birds have flown thousands of miles and fought off predatory gulls to breed here only for someones utter carelessness bring their season to an end in a moment.
.....sampling the contrasting lichen encrusted rocks with the haze of blue forget-me-knots.
....watching the researchers as they "grovel" for puffins, that is put their arm down the burrows to check pufflings.
.......meeting the full visitor boats that are coming over at the moment.
....marvelling at the common rosefinch that Mark found in the traps. A beautiful second year male with a pinkish blush that is a bit way off its normal migration route of Africa to Scandanavia.
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