Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Diesel Tank

The tank arrives

The shags are looking their best, gleaming in the sunset.

Fire lit, lights on...cosy.
It is Monday and we are back on to the island for a few days. A whole range of tasks are to be tackled from seabird monitoring, visitor infrastructure management but firstly it is the moving of a diesel tank. We have a diesel tank on the island which holds the fuel for our back-up generator but it was installed with a fuel pipe to the generator that has 40 joints in it and goes through 5 rooms. Not a great design. So the job is to rectify this by putting a new tank into the same room as the generator. But firstly the tank needs to reach the island and then be moved to the generator room. Our trusty contractors from Crail tackled the job with the usual gusto taking an unused tank off the island in the same operation. Many things seems to come to the island and then die and stay so we are always taking the opportunity to remove unused stuff off the island.  With the contractors gone it was time to take a deep breath, admire the fine sunset gilding the seabirds and take a glimpse at Venus and Jupiter with its 4 moons through the telescope. It is good to be back.

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