Amid the gas and the PAT testing and all the other glamour jobs that you get in nature conservation I managed to go out for a walk and snap some wildlife for the first time this year. Inspiration for the blog during these quiet times often comes when you go out and look for it.
For the last few days the Robin numbers around the island have been rising. Today you could not walk anywhere without seeing a skirmish between two or three of these regular garden birds. This bird sat on the wall angrely ticking at my presence. I drowned out its protestations with the noise of quadbike.
The gulls spotted this Osprey before I did but I got a good look and even got time to get the camera out as it flew close over my head. I wonder how far north this one has to travel?
Everyone who reads the blog regularly know my favourite things I like to photograph are Eiders with ducklings and seals in that order. I found this gang of young seals relaxing out of the bracing east wind and battering swell at The Alterstanes. I lay on my stomach and clambered undetected over the jetty and took a sequence of about 50 shot. The pale faced seal in the middle of the grabbed my attention. It was very distinctive looking and covered in slime form the rocks. It was to become my muse. I took a few shots as it slept.
The animal was clearly very contented though those rocks look rather unconfortable.
A scratch of the head
A big yawn and stretch of the back flippers and back to sleep.
All in all a nice walk about the island. That's me used up my annual quota of seal pictures. Still it's not long before Eider duckling season.
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